Salam semua,
All of us love doubt about that. We have managed to produce so many beautiful handicrafts for sale or as gift to our love ones. But why not for a change let us do it for charity.
So, dengan rasa rendah hatinya saya ingin mengajak rakan2 'crafters' semua bersama-sama Pondok Craft untuk melaksanakan 'Charity Project' ini.
All you need to do is :
1. Sew any items that relate to 'Going Back To School'. For example, pencil case, tuition bag, colour pencil holder etc. Anything that is handmade by you. It's your design, your item.
Eg : Pencil Case
2. Courier your items to Pondok Craft (14, Lorong Perai Utama 5, Taman Perai Utama, 13600 Perai, Penang). We will compile all the items & distribute to Rumah Anak Yatim.
Pn Elly of Sanggar Suri ( is kind enough to help us to distribute these items.
Deadline : 20th Dec 2010.
Come on Ladies...let's do this. Let's make this happen.
Alhamdulillah it has been a great year. So let's do this demi untuk mencari keberkatan dari Allah swt ke atas setiap usaha & rezeki yang kita cari.
016 4831744
Telekung Little Maryam
6 years ago
salam ayu...Insyaallah kalau takde aral melintang..ciktie nak join juga ye. Tq.
Ayu, InsyaAllah count KD in...
kak Ayu.. baguihnyer kak ayu organize charity nih.. saya nak join tau... :)
salam sifu Ayu, err.. tak abis belajaq lg tp i'll try to sew 'something', insyaAllah.
Salam, Kak Ayu, Insya Allah zura nak jait something..sayu hati kalau mengenang anak2 yatim, a little something that hopefully will brighten up the little one's day...will get back to you once done ya? thanks for organising this kak
can you advise the charity is go to who? =)
boleh2....insyaallah klu tak ada apa2...:)
blh x klu saya nk join...
Salam semua...sesiapa yg berminat nak join mmg dialu2kan sgt. Buat apa yg mampu then courier kan brg ke alamat di atas.
Hoyoyi - you can refer to this blog for the list of charity places. I'm working closely with Elly for this project. Tq again for your interest.
So wished I could do so friend but my machine on the ship dah, good job .
Cam best jer.. Nnti saya jahitkan pencilcase
salam.rasa terpanggil plak.x kisah ke bt apa?terfikir nk buat beg kecil utk diaorg letak duit masa ke sekolah.
raktamrittika - tak kisah buat apa je. Ikut kemampuan you...ok. Tqvm for your support.
Thank you Ayu for organising this, may God bless you. I will definitely try to meet your deadline!
count me in.. emmm I am thinking of finishing the scraps to make something for this project..
interesting! insyaAllah will contribute something for this event. so far sy hanya boleh jahit a simple sling bag :)
dah mulakan usaha buat beg tu.masuk yg ke 4 dah.arap2 siaplh nti.
kalau nk hntr something, hntr pd siapa ya?
nama penerima?
bagus akak organize charity ini. saya dah war2 kan dalam blog saya.
sy berminat gak nk join project nih..insyllh sy akan wat yg terbaik.. **very excited!
Thanks for the info. I will try my best to do some for the kids.
Thank you semua. I'm so happy with the response so far...Takut takde yg respond tapi rupa2nya ramai yg tersangat lah pemurah. May Allah swt Bless you...
akak, saya nak join juga tapi xtau nak buat apa. kot terbuat benda sama dgn other crafters, takpe? maybe akak bley listkan barang apa yg sesuai?
Adikmanis...klu sama dgn crafters lain pun takpe sbb yg nak menerima brg2 ni it doesn't matter. Just buat apa yg you mampu...ok
Ayu, i'm joining, insyaAllah :). Will post the items tomorrow.
salam akak...baru terbaca about this project...nak menjahitnya tak bape nak pandai mana, kalau mengait bolehla...kalau kait penanda buku boleh ke?
InsyaAllah ...dh siap brp totebag...akan pos nanti..
count me in, insyaallah, kalo siap nanti saya poskan..
kak Ayu, saya dah pos tadi ye, EN444057591MY. :)
saya harap saya masih boleh join this activity ya!
Salam Kak Ayu, saya dah hantar melalui pos laju hari ni. Maybe sampai esok atau isnin. Tapi sbb nak cepat tadi, saya terlupa nak tulis apa2 note pun.. Kalau terima nanti, saya adalah insan dari Kajang.. hahaha... ;)
sya dah hantar melalui pos laju
colour pencil case (pink colour)
by minggu ni smpila kot
slm..kaka sy dh post charity item nih..nih track no pos laju..cek eaa.. EN456740635MY
salam, i dah pos tadi, tp pki pos ekspress je. ni nombor dia LJ100331172MY. harap2 sampailah ye..
As'kum kak, saya dah hantar guna pos ekspres. Ni track number
LJ10 001 292 5MY. Hopefully safely arrive to u sis...
salam, sy dah pos guna pos laju semalam. tracking no EN 286604341 MY. i hope parcel tu sampai before deadline.
saya dah pos last friday. tracking num: EN457639879MY :)
sy dh ad stock kopiah my own handmade to give
I like that pencil case. I think a card for the teacher would be nice too.
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