I am pleased to inform you that todate I have received more than 100 items for this project...I'm truly grateful to all of you. Terkejut dan tak terkata lah bila tengok barang2 tu semua...coz all the items received are really beautiful, extremely unique & highly creative. You all ni memang super talented & creative laaa....kecik rasa diriku ini..uhukk...uhukk...
Anyway, I'll update more photos of all the items received. Plus photos when I hand over these items to Elly. Fyi, she has already started to deliver other items collected from other donors to areas in Pantai Timur. Our items will be sent to the next destination in Perak.
OK ladies...nanti I update lagi...btw...if you terlepas the 20th Dec deadline...tak apa...just send over the items. Awal ke lambat I will make sure your items will be sent to the respective charity places...OK...
Take care
Ayu (016 4831744)
Telekung Little Maryam
6 years ago
Sri, my apology to you and will make up soon, when I have the spare time..... so very tight with schedule. So sorry!
kak ayu.. letak ler gambar semua barang2 tersebut, teringin nak tgk... barang saya sampai kesana kan?
Hi... just curious. Why no further updates?
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