Hari ni my entry is a little bit different from other days. It’s a bit long…so please bear with me.
Many of you may not know my full background..I have 3 yrs working experience from a big audit firm, 10years as accountant in a public listed company. Within that 10 years of working..my job function include everything from how to prepare a full sets of account, how to prepare a budget, manage company cashflow, credit collection (ni kira mcm professional ‘along’), business development and my most favourite job was in procurement where it gave me lots of knowledge on where to find cheap but quality items. Although I resigned in 2007, I did not straight away venture into business but instead I took up licence in financial planning. Reason??...Because I want to equip myself with marketing & selling skills. And financial planning industry is the best place to give me that.
Bukan bertujuan untuk mendabik dada atau meninggi diri dengan segala pengalaman yang I ada tapi I do believe I am very qualified to raise this issue.
From my observation, rata2 kebanyakkan orang melayu kita ni gagal untuk berjaya atau buat bisnes sekerat jalan ..because they don’t have the RIGHT ATTITUDE…!!!
MALAS : Malas nak belajar atau nak ambik tahu tentang skil yang perlu ada sebelum nak bukak bisnes. Business Plan perlu ada so that you know what will be the direction of your business..& what you wanted to do & achieve, how to market your product etc. While your business is running, you need to have a budget so that you can control your spending. You will also need knowledge tentang Cashflow management atau pengurusan alirantunai. Sad to say..ini lah penyebab utama kenapa bisnes orang melayu selalu bungkus. Tak reti nak manage cashflow. Never save money as emergency or reserve for future expansion.
TAKUT : Takut nak tanya, takut nak buat sale, takut nak cuba benda yang baru atau become innovative. In the end, bangsa lain jauh ke hadapan taking the opportunity tapi kita masih dengan perasaan takut kita. You don’t know what you will or can achieve until you try.
MALU : Orang Melayu memang terkenal dengan sifat pemalu. Tapi biarlah malu tu bertempat. Kalau kita perlu bertanya atau bergerak kehadapan untuk peningkatan diri sendiri…buang perasaan malu tu. Paling I tak faham sekali bila malu nak buat sale. How can you expect people to know of your existence if you don’t go out & do marketing & selling.
TAK CONFIDENT : You will never be confident if you don’t try. You will never be confident if you don’t equip yourself with the right knowledge. You will never be confident if you mingle with negative people.
RIAK : Tak kiralah sebesar mana pun kejayaan kita, sebesar mana rezeki yang kita dapat..semuanya kurniaan Allah swt. Sekaya mana kita sekalipun..ingatlah sekelip mata saja Allah swt boleh tarik balik.
DENGKI : When my sister & I first decide to set up Pondok Craft, we are fully aware of this little evil feeling call ‘perasaan hasad dengki’ yang amatlah terkenal dikalangan orang2 Melayu..(well..bangsa lain pun I’m sure ada jugak). But due to our upbringing & the RIGHT ATTITUDE that is always instill upon us by our parents, we always said to ourselves that if we ever come across this situation where there are people yang ada perasaan hasad dengki terhadap Pondok Craft atau both of us…we are going to be cool about it. ..When our website was hacked twice..we said tak apa minor challenge saja. When someone bad mouth our little shop..we just smile and said Alhamdulillah. When ada yang criticize our product & pricing..we took it constructively. When ada yang buat fitnah..we didn’t get mad or jumpy about it coz we are not the type yang suka nak cari pasal or layan benda2 remeh and petty ni. I think we are too educated for that..(alamak…riak a bit.. riak bertempat tak pa kot..). And when some other business has similar name as our Pondok Craft name…it is a huge question mark to us of why is this happening. Although we are not really happy about it and deep down we truly appreciate for that person to change to other name. Don’t get me wrong..kami sikit pun tak ada perasaan buruk sangka towards that person..it could be an honest coincident,,.it’s just that..takut customer confuse saja…anyway, rezeki Allah swt tu banyak. If your product is good, people will still buy from you. But you need to be unique and original in order not to confuse the market.
Why do you need to be cool & calm dengan perasaan hasad dengki atau whatever challenge you are facing?
1. Every challenge has its solution. If you are being emotional, you will not have a sound & clear mind to think of a reasonable solution to your problem.
2. Kalau orang dengki atau buat fitnah, don’t waste your time or energy. You should pull your energy untuk mencari jalan untuk memajukan your bisnes. Tak payah buang masa dengan perkara atau orang yang nak menjatuhkan you.
3. Dengki, marah, emotional...these are all feelings that boleh bagi you stress. Bila stress nanti jatuh sakit. We want to have a healthy life. It has to start with great & happy feelings. So, tolong buang penyakit hati ni.
Pondok Craft is still far from being successful & big. But trust me…dengan izin Allah swt…we will be there 1 day…InsyaAllah.!!!...coz we highly believe in...RIGHT ATTITUDE & NEVER GIVE UP...!!!
Lastly, all I wanted to say is that…when you have the RIGHT ATTITUDE (Rajin, Berani, Opportunist, Confident, Bersyukur)..just ignore people with the WRONG ATTITUDE...and FOCUS your energy in order to achieve what you want. Always strive to BE DIFFERENT and INNOVATIVE in order to capture the market’s interest. Don’t be shy to ask & learn from others..even if you are brilliant accountant, a successful doctor, a well known engineer or a famous lawyer…that doesn’t mean you tak boleh bertanya or belajar dari orang2 yang mempunyai lesser qualification than you. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKE. If you make 1 mistake..it’s OK…you will be better the next round. And the most important thing is…DON’T EVER GIVE UP…!!!
If you dream to have your own business 1 day..I urge that you instil upon you the RIGHT ATTITUDE. InsyaAllah...you will be successful.
OK…I’ve said whatever I wanted to say…Feel free to give me your comment.
Telekung Little Maryam
5 years ago
totally agreed.
well you ve covered just about everything and the thing is those that you pointed out are not new. its been said and told many a time by a lot of people. its really sad when you read this, not because of anything, but because those you pointed out have always been our races issues for a very long time.
i m not saying I have the answer because I myself have always been asking too .. what is it ? is it really because of our race ? is it the upbringing ? is it the education system ? and please dont ever blame the religion.. but if you do want to talk about this with me seriously I will definitely take you towards political reason
"Orang Melayu tu tak pernah susah" said my fren from a neighbouring country
i guess thats the actual reason. we want things easy. we have been taught not to work hard to get things. everything is always easy to get ... we dont know what hardship is. u can see now even students who are not really qualified are now studying at university level and even if they cant get into U there will always be other institutions who are eveready to take them. they dont even have to worry about money. and of course there are many who dont even know what a company is are now playing around with big projects. and even if all these people are not qualified to enter U or to get projects they can always cry to a YB who will of course write letters demanding that these people get what they want.
its a shame really. and i really believe that you have to work hard to be at the top, you cant wait for a rope thrown to you and pull you up ...
lagipulak aku memang tak pandai panjat pakai tali.
dan lagipulak aku bukan melayu, nama aku ANN
Ala, ANN dah say what I wanted to say too!! Yes, I've always noticed that WE tend to believe that that everything is for our taking and hard work does not factor, it has become a cultural attitude. Those that take the easy road ie thru YB, kissing A%$ etc will find that it will only be temporary, until the next 'top man' comes along. I detest those types and I feel sorry for them too. Ayu, you are right, whatever that comes your way, take it as a lesson learnt and you'll definitely be the wiser for it. To each his OWN will come my friend. So just keep on doing what you know is right and you'll be prouder when it comes from your own sweat. I am proud of YOU my friend.
i am so glad i added you into my blogroll. this article you write is very very inspiring because sometimes as hard as i try to IGNORE a handfull of persons with WRONG ATTITUDE as you so rightly put it....sometimes they do leave me in a forlorn mood.
can i share this article on my FB page??
thanks :)
M - Tqvm for reading my humble opinion. Yup...feel free to share it on ur FB page
Ann & Azidah - what can I say..great minds think alike.
Adikmanis - tq
i've posted my comment but somehow it's not in.
Ayu, I 200% agree with u...
totally agree with you..
dah selalu sgt dengar cerita2 pasal dengki khianat niiii.. sesama bangsa dan agama. patutnya kita sama2 memberi sokongan antara satu samalain.. baru boleh maju kehadapan
hye..sgt2 agree dgn dis statement...i sgt baru dlm bidang ni..so kene byk ilmu dlm bidang ni..but..tak semua yg kite buat ni org suka rite!..ade je my fren yg down kn i..pndang rendah!!..yela..mayb dia rase i keje as 'tukang jahit' je wlpn ade degree!..mane ade clas!!...=(..tp i percaya pd rezki ALLAH...=)..usaha n tawakal..insyaALLAH di mudahkan segala jalan...=)
thanx a lot for sharing dis info...=)
hey thumbs up for good advice! hee nothing come easy in life...especially in business.. if senang2 je.. how do we want to improve our business to be great, unique and tough heee.. always support in handmade.. rezeki di tangan ALLAH..so just flaunt it your way to the top.. hee good luck!:)
terima kasih sebab tulis post ni. susah nak jumpa post macam ni pada crafter blog malaysia, most of the time, baca pada crafter blog luar.
really good n brilliant oppinion.. betul.. and totally agree wif u... can i share this too in my FB?... as my own n other inspiration!
Thank you all for the comments. Yes SyahNur you can share this on your FB.
Syasya - just ignore all this negative people. You must be proud of your what you do. Anyway, there are so many 'tukang jahit' yg very rich..so biar je la apa org nak cakap.
najmi ilham...
hai askum...
sy stuju pd org melayu yg btl2 nk ubah hdup n mngikut sunah nabi...
itu dpnggil kualiti...
ari ni org yg btl2 nk berjaye die prlu la ade kualiti... sperti..
tdk malu,tdk takut n xde alasan...
ari ni sy bleh bgi 1001 alasan klau sy xnk brjaye..
tpi alasan sy cma 1..
sy ade wat some bisnes yg trbaik n kerajaan support skg...
ape2 leh brhubung ngan sy kt FB k...bye
wah artikel yg baik utk yg br nk berjinak2 dlm bisnis ni...mekasih krn share...
salam..dalam segala aspek termasuk hal agama pun if i may say these.as someone had adv me..buat je dengan ikhlas dan gembira hati as kata-kata penulis ...saya tiada alasan untuk tidak bersetuju tetapi itulah hakikatnya... mereka penuh beralasan..berhujah tidak habis-habis..
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